Kingdom's Edge Book Receives Three Honourable Mentions In IPA 2017

Really honoured and thrilled that my new book Kingdom's Edge has received Honourable Mentions in three categories at this years International Photography Award's (IPA) 2017. I'm really humbled to be amongst such well respected and accomplished company, many of whom are my good friends. Congratulations to all the winners!

Kingdom’s Edge represents a home for my eight year journey documenting Thailand’s deep south region. Through this visual narrative I present a timely and alternative view from one of the world’s most underreported conflict zones, a largely forgotten pocket of territory at the farthest edge of the Kingdom of Thailand. Through this collection of 79 colour photographs I examine the complex intricacies and subtle incongruities of daily life in South East Asia's deadliest conflict. Moving away from the mainstream media’s monotonous coverage I found a region that teems and bustles with life and culture. It is a region of trade and commerce, of young people and free wifi, of tea shops and markets. A place where tudong clad girls ride four on a motorbike, where twice a day people freeze on the spot to the sound of the national anthem, and where the call to prayer fills the air five times a day. It is a complex society that is both Muslim and Buddhist, Malay and Thai. It is both old and youthful, calm and restive. It is a place that has more in common with Kuala Lumpur than distant Bangkok.

You can seen the full list of winners in the links below.

Richard Humphries

Malaysia based photographer. Loves motorbikes more than I love you.

On Assignment: Fortify Rights In Kuala Lumpur


Kingdom's Edge Talk At The Penang Institute