On Assignment: Fortify Rights In Kuala Lumpur

“We are real, we exist, and our voices should be heard.”

Rohingya women organise for change at a seminar in Kuala Lumpur organised by Fortify Rights. I was asked by Fortify Rights to take portrait photograph’s of these amazing woman during the seminar which was held over two days. The women in the group were all quite remarkable and had fascinating stories to share. The two days spent shooting was a pleasure for me. I was also very lucky to have @jillmh66 to assist me with the shoot.

“In Myanmar, we are denied opportunities, dehumanised, and destroyed. In the diaspora, we are creating our own opportunities, and using our skills, we are standing for the people.”

“In Kuala Lumpur, we, Rohingya women, came together as a community for three days to continue the work of addressing the issues facing our society. We are doctors, journalists, housewives, social workers, students, teachers, tailors. But we are all activists who have talents and knowledge and insight that can be used to improve our community.”

“Many of us have men in our lives who support us. They stand behind us and encourage us—they trust us, they believe us, and they tell us they are proud of us to be leaders within our community and to act as an example for the next generation. We are united. As Rohingya women, we seek to work side by side with men—to neither lead nor be led.”

“Rohingya women have suffered for decades, but we are more than victims.”

You can see the project on the Fortify Rights website by clicking HERE

Find out more about the amazing work that Fortify Rights do HERE

Richard Humphries

Malaysia based photographer. Loves motorbikes more than I love you.


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